Home For The Holidays

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Our ‘stuff’ can become someone else’s treasures.

We all have bins of stuff in the basement. You know, the ones that just sit there for years. Untouched and collecting dust. Not serving any real purpose other than taking up prime real estate somewhere in our house. Well, earlier this year, I came across one of those bins. A collection of ‘stuff’ that had gone into the dark abyss of our basement. Our old Christmas decorations sat in bins for years. We never got rid of them when we switched up our holiday decor and they just sat there, not being enjoyed by anyone. Sound familiar?

That’s when the idea hit me. If I could bring Christmas to a family in need through decorations, then maybe that might just help them get through the holidays feeling a little happier.


A vision was born.

I partnered up with a non-profit organization, the local Children’s Cottage Society in Calgary, which helps homeless families find affordable housing. What better way to welcome a family into their new home styled in holiday decor? It was a perfect fit! The goal was to provide a space that felt like ‘HOME’ for these families. A place where they could settle into with joy for the holidays. With some planning and coordination, we were connected with two families. Both recently housed from shelters, and single mothers faced with the challenges of supporting their children.

A small idea through ADM Interiors turns into a community initiative.

Without the help of so many, this initiative would not have been a success. I am so thankful to all the members of the community, who graciously donated decorations and gifts for the children. Our local grocery stores, No Frills and Superstore, were also gracious in their donations and provided grocery gift cards for the two families. The idea behind providing holiday decor turned into something so much more.

All the donations were wrapped and taken to the families’ new homes. They were absolutely thrilled, glowing in fact, to have a fully decorated tree and Christmas decorations sprinkled throughout the home. We placed gifts under the tree for the children, and provided some basic household items for the moms.


Small Joys, Big Impact

While this all created the atmosphere I envisioned for these families, the biggest highlight came from one simple act. One that I will never forget, and one that had a profound impact on my heart. It’s quite something to witness the happiness children have during the holidays, but something truly extraordinary when a child who has never decorated a tree hangs their first candy cane. It absolutely melted my heart to witness the joy and excitement that this three year old child had in doing this simple act. Something that so many of us easily take for granted.

That really put things in perspective. Perhaps, making due with less is enough. Perhaps having less, can be that gentle nudge that slows us down to truly appreciate the things that matter. Life does not need to be an abundance of ‘stuff’ to be happy. There is value in simplicity, on so many levels.


Tis the Season for Giving

We had plenty of donated decorations for our families this year and I sadly had to turn some away. I will definitely be doing this again next year and hope to provide Christmas decorations to more than two families. If your interested in spreading a little holiday magic for next year’s decoration charity drive, please connect with me. I’d love to get them to families in need. Dig them up from whatever corner they sit in your house. We can do with less if they no longer bring us joy or serve their purpose. The power of giving and kindness, whether big or small acts, truly can have magical effects on others! Happy holidays everyone!!